Tuesday 24 September 2013

I suppose this post is a rant so here it goes..

This rant is about judging people, particularly about physical aspects. Now I know that I do that sometimes. You do that.We all do. Even just a little. Even if we don't like to admit to it or just don't want to judge people in general. It happens. I just am sort of against people who harshly critic other people. I would like to say that I'm not judging people who judge other people, because that would be a lie. I mean it's understandable if you're in some kind of competition perhaps but in day to day life is it really necessary? You have multicolored hair that is obviously not natural? awesome. Your body is covered head to toe in tattoos? excellent. It is your body do what you want. I'm not waving a sign that says "SUPPORT EVERYONE OR ELSE" but people are much more than what they appear. It's important to see the person underneath and to analyse or flow with the character they have within themselves, like you would with any person deemed as looking "normal". If you only search skin-deep you could be missing out on a great person. I guess that is the real message that I'm trying to get across.

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