Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Quick Write- 86,400

I now know that each of us has 86,400 seconds in a day. If we treated seconds like money in a bank we would want to take out that money each day. I realize that it's important to use each second because it would be a waste to not use whatever amount of time you are given to do what is the best you can possibly do, no matter what it is. Learning the number of seconds we have each day makes me feel more aware about how precious time really is and how it easily just ticks by. What I am writing right now feels important to me and is a good use of the amount of seconds I've been handed with a new day. 86, 400 is such a big number when you think about amounts, but to me it doesn't feel so big when you know that a second may only last you enough time to breathe out "I love you" or to shut your eyes to calm yourself or to make a decision. So much of our time is wasted sleeping, walking, and many more menial things but as long as we don't feel they are menial or unimportant, I don't think of them as a waste. Everything adds together to make something better, to create a whole picture, an entire story even if it was about a quiet day at home to collect yourself or because you were sick. You're taking your daily amount of seconds to make yourself prepared for the next day's serving of time.

86,400 minutes a day

1 comment:

  1. This post took me back too, thinking about how short a second really is. Like your take on this and how we really do waste a lot of time doing pointless things
