Wednesday 16 October 2013

Quick Write- Robot

If I had a robot servant of my own it would do exactly what I told it to do. I would rewire it so that it would never turn evil on me, just to be sure. Mine would have a more human voice so it wouldn't sound so creepy or monotone. Mostly I would use my robot to help me do little chores or to help fetch me something that I might have forgotten. My robot would look like a normal robot because I wouldn't want my robot to be anyone but itself, despite having no emotions. My robot would be stronger than the strongest person so it could easily help with anything that requires heavy lifting since I am not that strong myself. My robot would also know how to scan instructions so it would know how to put together things for me like furniture. I wouldn't get my robot to do much more because I wouldn't want to be completely dependent on it.


  1. I like how you said you would rewire it to not turn evil on you...I never actually thought of that!

  2. Always be prepared for the worst especially when it comes to robots
